I can't help but feel embarrassed. Here I am adding an entry to a blog whose very first post was all about consistency and building a streak. Well, the streak didn't last long...Anyway some four entries and two years later here I am. I'm not going to lie if I say that I've stumbled upon my own blog by chance. I've been feeling like writing something, but not like opening yet another Word document. Opening up multiple Words is my bona fide note-taking strategy. Over the years I've been piling up those files filled up with notes for my many now-aborted academic projects: articles, book chapters, and, most recently, a whole book thing. I might have developed allergy to Word by now. Well, the book project is still very much on my mind, but I've been having a hard time sitting down and concentrating. Whenever I try to actually get some planning done, my mobile phone starts to emit its soundless siren song. As much as I would like to tie myself to the mast and r...